Assignment #8

Power means the ability to control events and the behaviors of other people.Marginalize means to put off to the side, or make less important.Exploit means to take unfair advantage of someone for your own benefit. The way People with power is able to marginalize and exploit people is when they go to jail,because the people in jail is pushed off to the side and thought of as less while the people with power run the jail and run you because yours inside there, and that’s how it exploit people because that’s unfair.


First off people with power, put certain people off to the side to use them for there advantages because of the power that they have behind them. Depending on their identities, Document #2 shows how they would be killed off by sickness, and be used because the people with power has more advantage. The document is a Article by Heather Pringle on June 4 2015. When the document of #2 says ” killed off half of the population”, Because of the fact that people use they power to take over and kill people in a way they couldn’t think of.


Furthermore this is next document is marginalizing people by separating the different people off of there skin color. The FHA witch is the Federal Housing Administration has adopted a system of maps that rated neighborhoods according to their perceived stability. This is a quote from an article that’s on a news website called the atlantic titled “Case for reparations” by Ta-Nahesi Coates written in June 2014. A quote from this document is “ green areas rated “A” but where black people live the area is rated “D”, and were usually considered ineligible  for FHA insurance”. This shows that people with power marginalize and exploit people with different identities by the areas people homes are. People with power marginalize black people because they were viewed as contagions because of their neighborhood and their appearance and social class.


Finally in this last document #7 is marginalizing people by chopping off their legs and cutting up people’s bodies at a festival. The people that is

3 thoughts on “Assignment #8”

  1. Nice work, Kamron. I wish you had gotten to finish.
    Please remember to make your claim in the introduction paragraph match the evidence you provide in the supporting paragraphs. Also – be careful to avoid using document numbers in your writing.

  2. Hi I’m a student from muniz 5th period and i notice that the analysis in paragraph 1 does not match.

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